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                   (APCV 2011)                                                              (APCV 2010)

Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, 15-18 July 2011, Hong Kong


APCV aims to facilitate debate concerning vision research throughout the Asia-Pacific by bringing together scientists from the broad range of disciplines contributing to modern vision science, including:

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APOTC 2011


The 5th APOTC focuses on making occupational therapy practice best effective and applicable to diverse cultural contexts, draws our aim to focus on effective occupational therapy practices in diverse cultural contexts. The congress will offer a comprehensive scientific program of education symposium, pre-workshops, and congress session covering an extensive number of topics.

Keynote speaker:

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以下是2011年在St. Louis, Missouri舉辦的另一個visaul rehabilitation & research conference



截稿日期是:March, 28, 2011

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10th International Low Vision Conference will be hold at Kuala Lumpur Covention Centre (KLCC) Malaysia.

(馬來西亞 吉隆坡 雙子星大樓)

Date: 20-24, February, 2011.

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